Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year - New Beginnings

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Mangrove Seedling in Tampa Bay near Clearwater, Florida: Coopers Bayou Park
I did not make any 'formal' New Year resolutions. But I do feel as though it is a new beginning, like this mangrove seedling in Tampa Bay. Things I don't like about me can be left behind in '07. Things I wish for myself can be pursued in '08. Bad habits can be challenged, better habits can be sought and adopted.

I don't remember the source, but here is a quote:

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."

Sunday, December 30, 2007


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Great Egret and White Ibis in flight over Lake Paloma, Dunedin, Florida
I will admit right up front that this photograph has imperfections... but I was so tickled with the way it came out, just the same, that I wanted to share it. These birds are in flight over Lake Paloma, in Dunedin, Florida. Please feel free to leave a comment, constructive criticism is always welcome.

The all white birds with black legs and yellow bills are Great Egrets. The birds with somewhat curving pink bills, pink legs, and black wing tips are White Ibis. The brownish birds that look similar to the White Ibis are also White Ibis... but immature. Beautiful, aren't they?

Hey, tomorrow is New Years eve! Are you going to a party, or are you going to celebrate at home? Either way, Happy New Year!!!

More Lake Paloma photography at Dunedin Daily Photo. Slow cars and fast food on Clearwater Daily Photo, and beautiful sailboats and beach scenes on Clearwater Beach Daily Photo. Thanks for coming today!