Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Backyard Garden: Zinnias Have Zest AND ZIP!

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Backyard Garden: Zinnia's Have Zest AND ZIP!
Yeah, did I mention I planted Zinnias too? Yuppers... one of my favorites too! Okay, I admit it, I love lots of flowers and have many, many favorites.

Backyard Garden: Spectacular Sunflower Closeup

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Backyard Garden: Spectacular Sunflower Closeup
What can I tell you, I LOVE Sunflowers! If you click on the image above you can see this one at 1200 pixels across, twice the size. If you click here, you can see it at 1600 pixels across.

I love gardening. I hope you like this shot, I'm kind of proud of this one.

Backyard Garden: Four O'Clock Beauty

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Backyard Garden: Four O'Clock Beauty
I am proud and happy to report that I grew this beauty myself, in my backyard flower garden. Not too shabby. No, I can't take credit for creating it... just planting and nurturing it.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Life Is A Mystery... Get Closer!

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Get closer, learn the mysteries of life!

It's just a little thing... but as someone has been quoted as saying: "GOD is in the details!"

Yeah, well, that could mean a lot of things, eh? But seriously... When you look at this closely, it's easy to think it might be man made, machine made, constructed rather than evolved or grown...

I think Dr. Seuss had the right of it when he wrote Horton Hears A Who!